The 2024-2025 Reflection Ritual is now closed. We'll be back again in December 2025. If you don't already get my weekly Thursday Thoughts email, sign up below.

The Reflection Ritual 

Complete 2024 with peace and wisdom. 

Begin 2025 reconnected and clear. 

What is the story you’ll tell about 2024?

We’ve been living through a historic time on the planet. We are still feeling, reeling, and healing from the impact, disillusionment, uncertainty, and losses collectively and individually of the past few years- this year included. 

Things are changing. 

The question to ask is what were the defining moments, lessons and themes of 2024? 

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It’s hard to know the answer unless you take the time to process the year...


Without it, you might- 

  • Get focused on what you didn’t accomplish or what didn’t change
  • Tie the whole year to how you are feeling right now 
  • Get stuck in fear and scarcity
  • Connect 2024 to your biggest challenge, disappointment, or loss. 
  • Only remember a couple of highlights without fully acknowledging your growth and receiving its goodness 

If your year was full of setbacks, you might be tempted to wish away the year with a champagne toast, hoping to forget about it. If you feel burnt out and exhausted from the past few months, you can carry that into 2025. If you had an amazing year, you may be tempted to gloss over the true wisdom that came from it. 


The reflection ritual can help you find it.
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There is wisdom to be gleaned from our challenges.

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Experiences to be assessed and acknowledged.

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Accomplishments and growth are to be celebrated.


 Together, we can alchemize the learnings of 2024 and step into 2025, renewed and reconnected.

We are at a threshold
It's the end of one year and the beginning of another.

This time of transition is meant to be honored in an intentional way. It’s a sacred opportunity to release the past, become present to what is, and begin to dream about what’s next. 

The yearly reflection ritual gives you a path to understand and release 2024 thoughtfully.  When you get complete with your year, you call your energy back. You recenter.  Otherwise, you can feel empty, scattered, and stuck as you begin the next year.  

After we release 2024, you can tune into what is aligned with the next season of your life.

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Next year offers you opportunities for more creativity, joy, and connection.

Allowing yourself to dream helps to counteract the fear and chaos in the world. This yearly reflection ritual supports you to contribute your gifts in a way that aligns with your values. 

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“Participating in Regena's reflection ritual has always helped me simplify the process of becoming more aware of what in my life is serving me and what I need to release. I always leave the ritual with a sense of renewal and a feeling of hopefulness. There isn't a better  program when it comes to finding a virtual portal to the next iteration of self. Regena holds space for a group like nobody I have ever worked with before. She has the remarkable talent of making everybody in the group feel seen and heard regardless of the size of the container. Her energy is both compassionate and confident at the same time. I can't imagine starting my year without working with Regena. She is a master at holding ritual and helping others create transformation in their own lives"

Jim Herbert- spiritual teacher,  men's work facilitator

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“Winter is the perfect time for me to cocoon with my soul and tune into what’s next. When I went through Regena’s process, I couldn't  believe everything I received! I was expecting brilliance and value because that’s how Regena rolls, but didn’t realize how detailed the guidance would be.  I was led step by step, taken deeper into what I needed to release, celebrate, and focus on next. By the end, I’d cleared away the cobwebs of confusion that can sometimes clutter the True North of inner knowing. This is about getting into the bones of our Truth and Regena has put so much love, care, and wisdom into walking us through the right questions and steps necessary to come back home to ourselves.” 

Christina Dunbar - artist, storyteller, speaker

Yearly Reflection Ritual
A guided experience to reflect, release, and recenter as we complete the current year and step into the new one. Move through this transformative process at your own pace. Plus, you’ll also be able to join live Zoom gatherings for connection and support.
Here's the Four-Part Process
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Get Complete

Includes an Opening Ritual Audio.

We all have things left undone. From the pile of paperwork on your back table to the appointment you haven’t made, these incompletions are energy leaks creating mental and physical clutter.

In section one

  • You’ll reclaim mental space and ease by unconvering your incompletions
  • Choose which projects to wrap up before the year is over.
  • Make decisions about the rest so you can feel complete. 

Honor and Release the Year!

30 Minute Audio plus interactive releasing ritual.

At the end of the year, we often focus on what didn’t go well and what we didn’t do. This leaves us chained to disappointment and feeling unfulfilled.

In this segment, we’ll...

  • honor the highlights and milestones of the year.
  • find the learning and gifts of your challenges 
  • have a  big-picture overview of what your year was really about. 
  • create a personal ritual to release what isn’t yours to carry 
  • enter New Year free of the weight of emotional attachments from the past. 

You’ll feel lighter, more peaceful, and truly excited about the year ahead.


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Prioritize and Visualize What Matters Most 

24 minute Audio 

Sometimes new beginnings can feel overwhelming with its choices and possibilities. It’s easy to get distracted or spread too thin. What you want is clarity on where to put your focus that will bring you closer to how you want to feel. 

In part 3, you’ll:

  • prioritize what matters most by identifying your most important roles, values, and desires. 
  • receive awareness around habits you want to shift. 
  • create a turnaround perspective for challenges and disappointments. 
  • decide how you want to feel next year.
  • formulate some simple wisdom key mantras to guide you when you get off track or face challenges. 




Support & Plan the Year Ahead

20 minute Audio 

We all have sabotaging habits, limiting beliefs, and fears that can keep us stuck in the same place or doing the same things over and over again. 

In this segment, you’ll: 

  • choose a power belief to counteract your default patterns.
  • create your inspiring or courageous theme for the year. 
  • get REAL about what goals, intentions and habits will truly make a difference. 
  • Envision your most joyful and fulfilling year yet.


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Two Live Zoom Gatherings 

Let’s gather together with others who are in the Reflection Ritual to harness the energy of live gatherings to support and encourage one another. If you cannot make these calls live, they will be recorded and you can still utilize the recordings. 


This is an incredibly beautiful night to acknowledge with ritual the change in seasons and the ending of the year.  We’ll be honoring the death/rebirth cycle of this threshold, releasing what needs to be shed and listening to our inner knowing of what possibilities are gestating within us. 


We’ll gather together as a supportive group to welcome in 2025. We’ll reflect on our biggest learnings and create ritual space to do some visioning for the year ahead as we choose our theme and power belief.  





  • A REFLECTION RITUAL ONLINE PORTAL. Easily access everything in one place. You can access the content from your computer or on your phone through the Kajabi app. You'll have access for three months.
  • AUDIO RECORDINGS TO LISTEN AT YOUR OWN PACE. Get cozy in your favorite chair and go through each of the 4 audios at your own pace. It also includes an opening ritual/ meditation to get yourself centered and set your intention. 
  • UPDATED FILLABLE/PRINTABLE PLAYBOOK JOURNAL You can type directly into the Playbook, or you can print it using a more convenient greyscale PDF to save your colored ink. 
  • A BOGO (BUY ONE/ GIFT ONE) When you buy the Reflection Ritual, you get a second one to give as a gift or split the cost with a friend.  After checkout, you’ll receive a special sign-up link in your welcome email to give the reflection ritual to someone special. 

  • A LIVE ZOOM WINTER SOLSTICE RITUAL ON DECEMBER 19TH Join us on the longest night of the year in community and ceremony as we close the year with a releasing of self in this seasonal transition. 

  • A LIVE ZOOM VISIONING RITUAL ON JANUARY 6TH- New year visioning to put all the reflection pieces into place on what really matters.


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You're also going to get these bonuses:

If you are an entrepreneur, I've created a special playbook supplement just for you. It will include business-specific reflection and review to uncover what worked, what didn't, and the season of your business. For next year,  you'll get clarity on where to focus your energy, assets to build, and you'll craft a values-aligned vision. 



This bundle gives you TWO additional Work on it Workshops. You can join us at the end of the year between Christmas and New Year's for a 3-hour co-working event on December 27th and/or join us for our full 5-hour Work-on-it Workshop day on January 17th. You can use either of these events to plan, create, organize, or complete something that will elevate your life, vision, or business. Use it to close and clear out 2024, complete your ritual, or jump into action on your 2025 goals. You could even work on your Vision Board!

During our Work on It Workshop (W.O.W.) days, we'll have: 

  • Focused work blocks to make progress on our project
  • Group check-ins for support, accountability, and connection
  • Laser coaching opportunities with Regena.  

Add this W.O.W bundle to the Reflection Ritual and attend either WOW or both for an additional $10.

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Clarity Coaching +WOW Bundle

Choosing a theme for the year or an empowering belief to support you when you get off track is much easier with the objective support of a coach. Regena can help you process the past year or clarify your new year action plan. You may have ideas but aren’t sure which will be the most impactful.  Creating discernment in your choices and finding the right words for your theme or power belief can make the year ahead more powerful when things get challenging. Since this level of clarity is important, give yourself the extra support of individual attention and focus. Choose to add on a private 55-minute clarity coaching session with your ritual.

You can also attend all Work on it Workshop Days! 

(limited availability)



Ready to Join Us?

Regena Garrepy

Regena is known for her intuitive insight, heartfelt storytelling, and a touch of sass.  She empowers others to transform self-doubt and perfectionism into self-leadership.  Over the past 15 years, she's served as a coach, facilitator, speaker, ritualist and community builder supporting seekers and leaders to reclaim and embody their essence.  Regena also mentors service-based entrepreneurs and coaches to deepen their skills and craft curriculum, offers, and experiences to expand their businesses. 

Regena has led more than 60 transformational multi-day events and retreats and mentored hundreds of women. Living in Orlando, Florida,  Regena's been braving the wilderness of midlife and empty nesting. She’s been married to Matt for 26 years and is the proud mama of a performing arts college student.  She loves all things Halloween, great blue herons, and making delicious food. 

Here's what you'll get when you join.
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Instant access to the Reflection Ritual Portal for 3 months
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5-part Ritual Audios to listen to at your own pace
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Printable or fillable Playbook/Journal
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Live Zoom Winter Solstice Ritual December 19th + Recording 

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Live Zoom Visioning Session January 9th + Recording

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BONUS Training Videos
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NEW! "Entrepreneurs Playbook"
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BOGO- buy one reflection ritual, gift one to someone of your choice. 
The 2024-2025 Reflection Ritual is now closed. We'll be back again in December 2025.

If you haven't already signed up for my weekly 'Thursday Thoughts' email, you can do that here.

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"I  was seeking ways to bring closure and reflection to what felt like a challenging year. I wanted to release all that wasn't serving me in order to welcome in new beginnings for the year ahead. As I lit my candle during our second community call, I reflected on how much of a different place I was in just three weeks prior during the first community call.
The takeaways have been profound. I've been able to let go of, shift, uncover the silver linings and experience deep reverence and gratitude for the journey I embarked on this past year.I have received great clarity on what my desires are for this year ahead and I have identified many ways in which I can implement steps to get me closer to them.
I feel lighter, clearer, calmer, connected, inflow, and filled with trust for my path ahead. Regena offers a very sacred space to do your inner work. She is a masterful facilitator and will guide you through depths you never knew existed.  This will be a big part of my yearly routine moving forward, no question about it. Take this step and uncover what your best year(s) ahead have in store for you, you won't regret it!

Jared Schuster

Good, because there's something I want to tell you.

2019 was a difficult year for me, and when we got to December, I didn’t think I wanted to “reflect” on it. I was feeling tons of grief. I wanted to get to the new year quickly. But I printed out the playbook and took myself through the process anyway. As I put pen to paper, it was like a part of me was given a voice. A part of me that could see beyond the heartbreak and could connect to the wisdom, strength, and compassion that had grown that year. 

The ritual helped me see that the year “wasn’t a loss” after all. That there was so much I had gained. I’m so grateful for the magic that came through the process of giving myself space to reflect, release, and recenter. I could tell myself new stories that became anchors for me in the new year.

Those anchors supported me as pandemic hit only a few months later and then helped me support my clients.

I’ve led myself and my clients through the Reflection Ritual for at least a decade. What I know is that reflection builds resiliency and cultivates wisdom. Ritual brings sacredness to support mindful presence and infuse meaning into our lives. 

You don’t have to do every part of the ritual to receive the magic from it. Just create some space for yourself and do what calls to you, whether it’s an audio or a live gathering. You can listen to the audios at your own pace and time. You could spend a day on it or ease into the process over the course of a month. Grab a cup of your favorite beverage, curl up on the couch, and dive in.

Ready to Join Us?
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“Each year, I participate in Regena's Reflection Ritual because it helps me remember how much I've learned and grown. It's a wonderful way to look back on the year and ensure those learnings have truly integrated into my soul.
This year, I was surprised to discover how much trauma I released, how many times I up-leveled, and how much self-care I practiced. I also realized how much my relationships have changed. Without the Reflection Ritual, I would have forgotten these important milestones and ended the year feeling like I hadn't accomplished anything. The truth is, I did a lot!
Regena is an amazing leader, facilitator, and teacher. I've been following her guidance for 11 years, and the person I am today is a testament to her tutelage. I've grown and matured so much thanks to her mentorship, and I'm incredibly grateful to call her my most treasured mentor!
If you're considering the Reflection Ritual, I encourage you to take the leap. Every year, I tell myself I won't have time, but I always make the time. It's a great way to end the year on a high note"

Julee Hunt- author 

We've got anwers to our most FAQ's
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“I have done this ritual for the past 7 years, at least.  It is one of the best ways to center my thoughts for starting the year with the right balance.  Regena does an amazing job with the content always, and it is so digestible in four parts.”

Shannon Bouchet- entrepreneur/consultant

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“The reflection ritual is the quiet introspection we all crave as we transition from one year to another. This ritual is a sacred time for me to check in with myself and honor the year. It’s a time to be still, find clarity, and set my intentions for the year to come.”

Kimmie M.

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“With her signature sage advice, Regena helps me to reflect on the year coming to an end, narrowing down what I still need to complete & release then set myself up for an amazing year to come.  Really does help close out the year on a positive vibe!” 

Jennifer Zetzman