Energetic Hygiene - We all need it.

energetics Aug 13, 2024

I was inspired by this sign back in 2020 because it sparked ideas around the concept of energetic hygiene. 

 Energetic Hygiene refers to practices used to cleanse, protect, and restore one’s energy field. This is especially important if you are highly sensitive or empathic.  

Your energy is as impactful as your words and actions. Every time we walk into the room, we are both impacted by the energy of the space, and we are also contributing energy to the space. When our energy becomes contaminated by outside sources, we can feel fatigue, anxiety, and emotional distress.😴😰 We want to clear our energy just like we clean our hands. 

If you haven’t noticed, the media 📺 📰 impacts your energy.⚡ While I believe it’s important to stay informed, we also have to monitor and filter what we consume. Please remember that the goal of the media is to sell us stories to keep us engaged and reading more. One way to do that is to elicit and activate an emotional and energetic response. That is easily done with snappy headlines and one-sided information. It's great when the media presents stories that help you feel hopeful and positive, but the stronger emotions that drive more consumption are feelings of fear, scarcity, and anger. 

Do this experiment: 

When you read an article, post, meme, or watch a news story, check to see if it's doing at least one of the following:

  1. Activating fear (presenting you with something to be afraid of)
  2. Activating scarcity  
  3. Activating distrust 
  4. Using dehumanizing language and grouping people together
  5. Giving you someone or something to blame ( or hate)
  6.  Giving you someone or something to be angry at/about 

Begin looking 🧐 at media with that filter in mind. Notice how you feel.  If these filters are left unchecked, then your energy can be activated by fear, mistrust, scarcity, and anger. Are you blaming and grouping people together? Are you feeling and acting as your favorite self? Notice what it's persuading you to do, think, feel. 

Yes, there are things to be concerned about, important issues to stand for, and policy we can’t bury our heads in the sand about, but we also have to notice when we are influenced in a way that leads to more division and hate instead of helping us to find common ground with our fellow humans. Dehumanization and shaming aren’t effective in changing a person’s heart.  

So what can we do? Be the energetic thermostat, not the thermometer, in your own life. 

The thermometer 🌡️ measures the room's energetic temperature and is influenced by it, but the thermostat sets the room's temperature. You set the energy for your day, and you can influence the temperature of the spaces you are in with your energy. 

In order to do that, we have to have some energy hygiene routines for when our energy isn't at its best. 

Create daily and evening energy hygiene routines. 
We do this with our regular hygiene—we brush our teeth and hair, take showers, etc., and often, these are centered around our evening and morning routines. Before you get swept up in the energy of others, how can you make sure your energy is in check? Use the ideas in this section to add to your own routine based on what you need. 

Energetic Contamination Self-Check 🔍

  1. What am I feeling right now? Is my energy low/ contaminated? 
  2. What is my physical state? 
  3. Where is it coming from/connected to?  (a situation, story, person) 
  4. Am I in fear, scarcity, distrust, powerlessness, anger? 
  5. Is it mine to feel or someone/something else? 
  6. What thoughts/energy is more aligned with my highest good/self/truth? 


Idea reminders for clearing your energy: 

  • Salt baths 🛀🧂 and showers- water is cleansing and clearing. 
  • Wear or diffuse essential oils 🌿(Lemongrass, Rosemary, tea tree, pine, hyssop) 
  • Energetic dusting- using your hands to sweep away any accumulated energy over your body
  • Halotherapy (salt rooms) 
  • Meditation 🧘‍♀️
  • EFT (tapping) 
  • Visualization ( visualize white, pink, or gold light cleansing and clearing your energy)
  • Walking on grass, sand, dirt
  • Forest🌳 bathing
  • Cutting energetic cords and emotional ties 
  • Being in fresh air and 🌞 sunshine or water 


Idea reminders for protecting your energy

  • Limit screens and media intake 📵 (esp reading angry comments on public posts)  
  • Wear or carry crystals💎(selenite, quartz, amethyst)  essential oils (white angelica, frankincense, eucalyptus) 
  • Flower essences🌸 
  • Visualization (put a bubble or shield  of white, gold, or pink energy protection around you)  
  • Not taking calls or limiting exposure to those who drain or trigger your energy when you are feeling depleted already.

Idea reminders for Raising and restoring your energy🔋

  • Talking to a supportive and loving friend ❤️
  • Laughter😂 
  • Music (upbeat)🎵
  • Dancing💃 
  • Physical movement🏃‍♀️
  • Citrus or mint essential oils🍋🌿 
  • Breathwork🧘‍♂️ 
  • Chakra balancing🌈 


What are your energy hygiene practices? What is ONE thing you can do to support your energy today?

Hit reply and let me know. 

Sending you all the energy of peace and loving-kindness.  


#Energetic hygiene, #Energy cleansing, #Energy protection, #Energy restoration, #Empaths, #Highly sensitive people, #Media influence, #Energy management, #Emotional well-being, #Self-care practices, #Energy healing, #Mindfulness, #Visualization, #Essential oils, #Crystals, #Meditation, #Breathwork


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