My Five Things List

self-care wellness Oct 12, 2023

I love to discover and share new things. Here is my October My Five Inspired Things List!


The grace that comes to us even when we feel we don't deserve it is healing and humbling. And so is this poem. 

Amazing Grace by ullie-kay 

The reason you are worthy is not
because of anything you have or
have not done. it is because you were
woven together. stitch by stitch.
detail by detail. and because your
body carries a soul that extends
much deeper than your skin. it is
because you have the ability to think
and feel and choose and love and believe.
to live with Intention. to soak yourself
in both sunlight and rain and come
to understand that you need equal
portions of warmth and water to grow.
how beautiful to know that we are not
measured by what holds us captive
but rather what sets us free. -amazing grace.


In my search for healthy living and feeling better during menopause, I’ve listened to quite a few of Dr. Mindy’s podcast episodes. I heard this one without having read her book and wished I had this information years ago when my cycle began to change, but more importantly, I wish this was taught to me when I started my menstrual cycle. So whether you are cycling or not cycling, or have a friend/daughter/partner, I recommend listening to this podcast for information that will support you in understanding the needs of the body and mind during all phases of a woman’s life. 

Simple Lifestyle Steps to Manage Your Complicated or Non-existent Cycle with Dr. Mindy Pelz


Every week, I do an infrared sauna session. While I always love the sweating part, I do love getting to watch 40 minutes of whatever I want. I choose a fun make the time go by fast, just for me show. 

I just finished both seasons of FireFly Lane on Netflix. It's a love-at-first-meeting story. Except it's not romantic love. It's a love story about the powerful bond of two female best friends. The healing power of friendship and the devastation of the sister-wound has been a thread throughout my life and work. This show reminded me of how precious our friendships are. I felt so attached to the characters that I was upset when the show ended, so I found the original book and its sequel, Fly Away by Kristin Hannah, which I'm listening to now.


I love coffee. The smell, the taste, the ritual of it. Unfortunately, coffee has its issues. It's a difficult crop to cultivate and requires extensive labor to produce. There are problems with sustainability, fair trade, and the amount of pesticides, herbicides, and mold found in it. 

After researching and trying different options, I landed on Fabula Coffee. It's low in acid, so it's easier on my stomach. It's shade-grown, certified organic/fair trade, and free of mycotoxin mold. They have a decaf coffee that is processed without chemicals ( Swiss water method). Their k-cups are compostable. And most importantly, it's really delicious. 

YES, it's expensive for all of the reasons above. But that one little cup brings me so much joy. I feel better knowing I’m supporting a company with values I align with. If you want to try it, here’s my referral link. You get a discount, and I get credit towards my next bag. Do you have a favorite morning beverage?


DIY Pumpkin Spice Creamer

When fall hits, I want a pumpkin spice latte with real pumpkin. So I make my own. You already heard about the coffee, so here's how I "spice" it up.

1 can of condensed coconut milk. Substitute condensed oat milk or regular condensed
1/3 cup of pumpkin puree
2 teaspoons of pumpkin pie spice-cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and ginger

You whip everything together until it's smooth. Put it in a glass jar and keep it in the fridge to add to your beverage according to your taste.

What’s making your fall better?


#October favorites, #Lifestyle blog, #Inspiration, #Wellness, #Self-care, #Fall favorites, #Cozy living, #Monthly recommendations 



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