Power doesn’t come from Perfection

Uncategorized Sep 19, 2024

It's a throwback Thursday email. I found this writing as a journal entry from many years ago, and I don’t remember if it ever became an email or a blog on my old website. 

Regardless, I thought the wisdom was still applicable and hope you will, too. πŸ€—

I made a video.

Actually, I made about 22, but that’s what it took to get my first video up on my website. I thought the best way for you to understand how passionate I feel about my new course would be for me to talk directly to you in a video. 

Great. A three-minute video. How hard could it be?πŸ€” 

(cue the laughter)πŸ˜‚ 

Well, what I thought was a 30-minute project became many hours, which led to some interesting πŸ”discoveries.

1. Ask for Help When Stuck.πŸ™‹‍♂️

Because I had “judged” that this was something straightforward and easy, I felt confident that I could figure it out on my own. When I ended up frustrated over a portion of the process, I went into beating myself up for not getting it easily. I felt embarrassed. My head said, “I suck.”  Instead of seeing that I lacked knowledge about the process, I made it about my self-worth. How often do we do that to ourselves? 🀷‍♀️ I see this often with my clients, and I caught myself doing it. We can easily slip into taking something outside of us and internalizing it to the point of holding us back. So, I asked someone to help me, and I was back in the flow within minutes. I wish I had done it sooner. 

2. It’s going to take more than one attempt.πŸ”„

You can’t give up. Just when I thought I had expressed myself sincerely and had a good take, I would watch the video defeated because the wind blew so hard halfway through that the camera shook, and the sound was muffled. Or once, I went through a whole take only to realize I didn’t hit record.πŸ“Ό And then there was the time I was totally off-center. Each mistake led to learning. πŸ’ͺ 

3. AND it’s not going to be perfect. πŸŒŸ
Truth is, I was afraid of putting myself out there to be judged.😟 I was worried that if I didn’t get this video just right, you wouldn’t like me or trust me or want to know more about my program. I realized that I was hanging all of my hopes and success on this one little video. In that place of fear, we lose our power. I had to take a deep breath and remind myself that POWER⚑doesn’t come from perfection. My power was in connecting back to the intention of the video and allowing my passion and emotion to radiate through me so that I could speak from my heart without getting every word exactly right. πŸ’–Authenticity beats perfection.

What part of this resonates the most? Send me a DM and let me know. 





#personal growth, #authenticity, #perfectionism, #video creation, #content creation tips, #overcoming fear, #embracing mistakes, #power of vulnerability, #finding confidence, #authentic communication, #passion-driven marketing, #video marketing strategies, #lessons learned, #self-reflection, #Throwback Thursday


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