It begins with a declaration.

Today is a national holiday here in the States. Last night, I got together with friends and family for good food, laughter, and a fireworks show over Lake Baldwin. It’s a tradition I love. 

And yet, I’m not feeling particularly patriotic this year. I worry and grieve about the upcoming election as more examples of corruption, system breakdown, hypocrisy, division, and the lack of compassion and leadership are revealed. But this isn’t an email about the collective world. Let's chat about how we can influence our inner world. 

I believe in the power and leadership of our own ๐Ÿ’ž hearts and lives.

I believe it's important for each of us to show up as the change we want to see in the ๐ŸŒŽ world. What if desiring more integrity, inclusion, kindness, empowerment, liberation, and peace in the world can begin when we feel that inside of us? What if creating change internally correlates to creating some change externally? 

When I feel worried, concerned, or even helpless, I can channel my energy into doing something that supports another person or explore cultivating my own sense of inner freedom and power. 

For many years, that felt difficult despite my many privileges in this life. 

I could vote, but I didn’t feel I had a voice. I was free to express myself, yet I couldn’t deliver a hard truth. I could congregate with others, but I didn’t feel seen. I was free to build a business, yet I felt trapped by my thoughts of inadequacy. I was free to save or spend, yet I was frozen in scarcity. I was free to schedule my own calendar, yet I felt controlled by time. I was “included” in many arenas, but I excluded myself. I had the privilege of living in peace, yet a war raged in my head and body. I was free to create everything I wanted, and yet I was held captive by my own SHOULDS, HAVE TOS, and RIGHT WAYS. 

It’s taken a decade to unwind ๐Ÿงถ old habits, rewrite new beliefs, and reclaim my sovereignty I had to gain my independence. I still put effort and energy into this pursuit, with persistence of spirit, dedication, coaching, healing, support, and a lot of self-love and acceptance. 

Today, as you express gratitude for your life's blessings and the freedom you do have, also consider your inner declaration of independence. What do you want to be free of? 

Maybe it’s independence from not berating yourself for the past, hating your stomach, feeling not enough, shrinking, competing with others, staying small or quiet, or stagnant. 

What if you could cultivate more freedom in your body, in your intuition, in your mind, and in your voice? 

The Continental Congress did not ๐Ÿ“ sign the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, the day it was voted on and adopted. It was officially signed a month later, but it took 7 years before the United States was recognized as an independent nation. That’s not the day we celebrate Independence. We celebrate Independence on the day we declared it, the day we decided to become free. 

While you may not know how you’ll become fully free, you can begin today by declaring it. Close your eyes for 30 seconds. Breathe in to open your heart๐Ÿ’— and complete the sentence below.

 Today I declare my independence from___________________. 

Change requires the time and courage to explore our shadows and resistance, unlearn our conditioning, practice our compassion and acceptance, and rewire our thoughts to inspire new actions and emotions. Yet, it begins with a declaration.

I’d love to hear your declaration, send an email to [email protected]. Here’s to the courage to make it so. 


#inner freedom, #personal independence, #self-empowerment, #cultivating inner change, #declaring personal sovereignty, #breaking free from limiting beliefs, #transforming mindset and habits, #finding liberation within, #taking responsibility for inner world, aligning inner and outer change, #spiritual/personal growth, #self-love and acceptance, #overcoming conditioning and resistance, #creating positive internal/external impact


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