Ten takeaways from our trip to Paris.

Bonjour 🇫🇷 👋 

Last Thursday, I asked you what you most wanted to hear about regarding my trip to Paris. 

There are many stories and lessons from our trip, but I’ll distill them down to 10 short takeaways. 

  • A croissant 🥐 tastes so much better in Paris. I’m still dreaming about the eclairs. 
  • Getting too comfortable made my world small. Getting uncomfortable is how we find adventure and new things to fall in love with. 
  • You can express your unpleasant emotions and opinions without carrying that energy with you. 
  • History is about human nature, and it continues to be repeated. 
  • Café Culture reminds us to intentionally slow down, savor our food, and connect in person regularly.
  • Good public transportation is a wonder! 
  • A group of strangers ages 16-75 can get along, showing consideration and care for each other when expectations are set to honor our shared humanity.
  • Parisians are often effortlessly chic. It's not a particular look- it's a vibe. 
  • Bring an umbrella, just in case. 
  • Art is everywhere if you look for it. It’s our souls’ expression. 

The rest of this post may be too long to read if you are short on time, so feel free to skip to the bottom. 

We all know intellectually that growth happens outside our comfort zone. Yet, as I get older, I see how my world has gotten smaller for the sake of comfort. I have said no to many cool opportunities because I didn’t want to feel uncomfortable.  

I LIKE what I like, and that's okay. While cultivating our preferences is necessary for reclaiming our essence, our comfort bubble can also become a limiting security blanket, shielding us from life's adventures. 

Traveling to a foreign country where I didn't speak the language, meeting new people, and being away from familiar surroundings made me deeply uncomfortable. Yet, this discomfort led to exhilaration. Figuring things out built my confidence, created unforgettable memories, and expanded my thinking, perspectives, and preferences. 

Trying new foods, getting lost, seeing new sights, saying yes, and meeting new people awakened dormant parts of myself. I was reminded how vital travel is for our spirit and worldview. 

Growth requires discomfort, but the rewards of embracing the unfamiliar are profound – a renewed sense of self, broadened horizons, and a richer life experience. I hope this inspires you to get a little uncomfortable.  

Our tour guide, a native Frenchman, taught me so much by being exactly who he is. He openly expressed his likes and dislikes with passion and authenticity, often in an entertainingly blunt manner. What struck me most was his ability to voice disappointment and strong opinions without harboring bitterness or resentment. He didn't suppress his emotions, nor did he wallow in them. 

His expressive nature was refreshingly liberating – a masterclass in feeling fully while letting go swiftly. Frustrations came and went like passing storms, leaving no residual anger or negativity. In his unfiltered authenticity, I witnessed the power of embracing emotions without becoming engulfed by them. A passionate life, freed from the shackles of lingering grievances. 

Immersing myself in the history of France reminded me that the real lessons of the past aren’t about historical facts but reveal the enduring nature of humanity's quest for power, wealth, and territory. As I walked through the extravagant Palace of Versailles, the modern-day commentary on the 1% and excessive consumption echoed loudly. This grandeur was not a new phenomenon but a reflection of the age-old concentration of resources in the hands of the privileged few. 

The palace's lavish splendor, built on the exploitation of the masses, serves as a visceral reminder that the struggles against greed, oppression, and inequality are timeless. It challenges us to confront the cyclical nature of our behavior and cultivate humility in the face of our shared, imperfect humanity. 

I fell in love with the vibrant café culture that permeates the streets of Paris. Cafés beckon with their outdoor seating, where Parisians gather to connect, converse, and savor the momentBefore work or after, friends and families meet regularly, unhurried, to share coffee, meals, and genuine conversations. There's no rush to vacate the table – time slows down, allowing for leisurely indulgence in each other's company. It’s much different than walking into a Starbucks here, and instead of seeing discussion and clinking glasses, we see people staring into laptops and phones. 

As a coach and facilitator, I always observe what works within human dynamics. Our group tour had a set of expectations that were clearly communicated and agreed upon, including a "No Grumps" policy – a commitment to flexibility, open-mindedness, and considerate behavior toward one another. 

For seven days, our diverse group of 22 individuals from across North America toured together, and the "No Grumps" policy fostered an environment of kindness and camaraderie. Without the constant distractions of news and social media, we enjoyed learning about each other and our surroundings, free from division or animosity. 

It was a refreshing reminder of the power of shared intentions and mutual respect. When we consciously approach each other with open hearts and minds, we create a space for genuine connection and growth. 

We went to Paris to see the art that Matt has studied in his art history,  but we found art everywhere- from the poetry of the French language to delicate pastry, the street art on a building, the storytelling of a tour guide, the can-can of the moulin rouge, and the reconstruction of Notre Dame.  The creativity of human beings is awe-inspiring. All of us are artists in some form. This trip reminded me to look for people’s art. To ask about it. To support it in all its forms. It’s soul hydration.  

If you made it this far, thanks for reading! What takeaway was your favorite? Where are you traveling to this year? 




#Paris travel, #Personal growth through travel, #Embracing discomfort and new experiences, #French culture and lifestyle, #Café culture, #Lessons from history, #Finding art and creativity in everyday life, #Travel inspiration, #Expanding horizons through travel, #Overcoming comfort zones


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