Essence Blog

Learnings and Lean-ins from Lockdown

covid-19 insights wisdom Jul 28, 2020

Originally posted May 2020 

It’s been almost exactly two months since things shifted in the world, and so I continue to ask myself, what is shifting within me? Here are a few things I’ve noticed. 
  • 50 Shades of Gray has made a comeback. Turns out it’s my actual hair color.


  • Telling yourself, you’ll shower after you exercise later can result in days when you don’t shower or exercise. 


  • The “home edition” of my meals is better than take-out. Yes, it takes more time but taste and q...
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10 Lessons from Lockdown

I’ve been quiet for the last month here and on social media. While most of the country has been on lockdown, I was working on a huge project. 

 Most of you know that I have the honor of working with Mike Dooley at TUT (Notes from the Universe) to organize and execute two events a year. We had been planning the 15th Infinite Possibilities Train the Trainer 4-day Conference scheduled to begin April 2nd in Costa Rica. It was going to be our first bilingual event. But in the first couple of days of...

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