Essence Blog

It’s that time of year again.

Guess what time it is according to the world of Regena? 

New 2024 Planner time. 

Reaction check- did you light up excitedly, 🤩or did you vehemently roll your eyes? 🙄 

Oh, friend, I totally get and honor both reactions. 

If you don’t want to hear a thing about planning and planners, and especially if you are a Ted Lasso Fan, read no further and watch this video instead. Happy Thursday! 

Finding a planning system that actually worked for me and didn’t cause me to waste time writing in my pla...

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Do you overcomplicate things?

Have you ever made something harder than it needed to be?  

Once, I gathered with some entrepreneur friends. I had my head in my hands, stress in my chest, and dread in my gut over what seemed like an impossible mountain of work I had in front of me.  

They patiently listened to my pity party-esqe whine and then pointed out a few things. What if I simply send an email about problem A, switch around problems B and C, and drop problem D altogether? 

I, of course, protested. My other friend refl...

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