Essence Blog

A mindset tool I’m using to help with change

change mindset reflection Oct 26, 2023

This week, I’m doing annual planning ( big picture)  even though I don’t know all of what I’m doing next year and nitty gritty planning of my Reflection Ritual. I know the energy and laser coaching of Friday's Work on It Workshop will get me fired up and focused to finish.  Are you coming? There is still time to join us here.  

Planning creates structure, and when done well, it also allows us to be flexible because we all know that plans have to be...

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What should you be doing?

In the past month, I’ve woken up a few times with the pressure of a heavy heart in my chest. I’ve been feeling some anxiousness, grief, and unsettling fear. Some of that is from the big events happening in the world, and some of that concerns people I care about and situations happening in my own life. 

It’s not one thing. But they all pile up. 

Thankfully, I have self-care, spiritual practices, and lots of tools. I know about what to do to support myself, ...

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Feeling Conflicted?

We can’t be everything to everybody

Ugh, I can’t tell you how often I’ve had to remind myself of this.  

I hate it because part of me really wants to be EVERYTHING.  

But, part of me also wants to sit on the couch, read a book, and eat snacks (especially the Lesser Evil Himalayan Sweetness Organic Popcorn-it’s so good).  

These two parts create an inner conflict I’m very familiar with. 

In the past month, several client...

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Joy and grief Together - Empty Nesting

This email is long. So feel free to skip it and come back next week. 

I wrote most of it in my journal. I decided to share it because you most likely remember this, are experiencing it, will be, or know someone who is. 

Last August, we helped Ethan – our only child – move into his dorm for his first year of college

It's a big milestone moment for any kid, but it felt like one of the most significant in my journey as a mother

On the one hand, it was ...

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Are you All In? I’m not. Here’s why.

Have you heard that expression to go all in?  

I've determined that I'm not all in. 

"All in" is a phrase marketers and coaches will use to motivate. I may have even used it myself in the past. If you go "All in," then you' this, buy this, join this, achieve this...etc. 

But most of the time, I'm just not ALL IN. 

I love my business, but I'm not all in, certainly not "all in" on posting 3x a day on social media and all the other things I should be doing if I...

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Try this on Social Media.

For a while now, I’ve felt hyper-aware of the yin and yang of social media.   It’s a source of entertainment and connection, but it also houses a darker side filled with manipulation, fear-inducing content, and vitriolic exchanges. Even if we agree with the point of view being made, the dehumanization we witness in comment sections can be heartbreaking. 

Rather than avoiding it altogether (although breaks are really good), I developed a little practice I use for social...

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Mid-Year Review

July marks the mid-way point of the year!

As an education major, I trained in how assessment and review are key pieces of the learning process. It’s how we determine progress (or lack thereof), what needs attention, and if objectives are met and on track.

In my own life, I do reviews and reflection rituals. I’ve shared them with clients to do in your personal life, for your work, and especially for your business if you are an entrepreneur. 

The following review process can be...

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My Letter of Longing

I was going to write you a love letter, but it became a letter of longing. 

I long for time to slow down. I’m not ready for it to be the halfway point of 2023. 

I long for connection and conversation that feels meaningful + warm, + uplifting, even if the topics are heavy and emotional. 

I long for a break from the bad news of corruption, hate, dysfunction, and destruction that comes at us from all sides.  I long for a respite from the heartbreak of the comment...

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Why I do thought work

Did you know that, on average, each day, you generate 50,000 words in your private thoughts

That's equivalent to a short book or roughly 100 pages.πŸ“•

It's fascinating to think that your brain is constantly writing a book of thoughts (which could become beliefs)  regardless of whether you're aware of it. This is why I work intentionally with my thoughts. Once I realized how much we "speak to ourselves," it prompted an important question. What genre is your thought book? 


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Reflections on Mother's Day

Last weekend was Mother’s Day 

On one hand, asking someone if they had a lovely Mother’s Day is a polite pleasantry, but in reality,  it can be a loaded question.  

If you had a magical unicorn Mother’s Day, feel free to skip to the next section. But you aren't alone if Sunday stirred up some unpleasant thoughts and emotions.  

My thoughts aren’t fully polished, complete, or absolute, but here’s what’s been rolling...

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