Essence Blog

Why fun matters right now.

I had an amazing weekend celebrating my friend Linda’s 50th birthday! 🎉 We’ve been friends for almost 20 years despite living miles apart—she’s in Massachusetts, and I’m in Florida. I was reminded once again about the power of something I’d taught about for many years and had felt disconnected from lately. The power of play and our inner magical child.  ✨

Despite what has been going on in my world and in my life lately, hanging out with seven other women and “playing” was incredibly restorative...

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Consistency doesn’t mean Perfection.

celebrate journaling Apr 03, 2024

Last week, I didn’t send out my weekly email. Technically, I broke my 25-week/6-month consistency streak. It was a rollercoaster week, and I had to focus on priorities.  

Guess what? It's ok. I can restart.  

Because consistency doesn’t mean perfection.  

Missing a day or two of not posting to social media, exercising, meditation, or anything else you are trying to do consistently doesn’t mean you aren’t or can’t be consistent. It means you have another opportunity to evaluate and decide if t...

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This happened 20 years ago.

It’s 1.11 today. It’s also the first New Moon portal of the year, where we will be receiving messages, ideas, and intuitive nudges of what to follow and what to release. There is a clearing and purging energy this month, but today is a great day to set intentions, make some commitments, and even take a baby step toward what you want for this year. And if you aren’t sure, now’s a good time to listen and reflect deeply. 

⭐ Before I launch into my personal story, I want to give you one last reminde...

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