Essence Blog

What season are you in?


The season has officially shifted. Depending on where you are in the world, you are either in Autumn🍂 or Spring🌸 for the last quarter of the year. 


I led a Fall Equinox ritual on Monday, and during that time, we looked at what we wanted to do, accomplish, shift, or complete before the end of 2024. And while thinking about that is important, what is more critical is identifying your real priorities for the season. This cannot be a 📝list of 15 things because then they aren’t priorities! 🤪 

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Ten takeaways from our trip to Paris.

Bonjour 🇫🇷 👋 

Last Thursday, I asked you what you most wanted to hear about regarding my trip to Paris. 

There are many stories and lessons from our trip, but I’ll distill them down to 10 short takeaways. 

  • A croissant 🥐 tastes so much better in Paris. I’m still dreaming about the eclairs. 
  • Getting too comfortable made my world small. Getting uncomfortable is how we find adventure and new things to fall in love with. 
  • You can express your unpleasant emotions and opinions without carrying that ...
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Write yourself a permission slip.

For many of us, growing up involved asking permission from our parents, caregivers, teachers, and authority figures to do almost everything- including using the restroom! When we wanted to go on a trip, our parents had to sign a permission slip; if we wanted to miss a day of school, our parents had to write a permission slip. Imagine how this good girl/ nice guy programming affected us subconsciously.  

When we spend the formative years of our lives seeking permission from others, we often don’...

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A mindset tool I’m using to help with change

change mindset reflection Oct 26, 2023

This week, I’m doing annual planning ( big picture)  even though I don’t know all of what I’m doing next year and nitty gritty planning of my Reflection Ritual. I know the energy and laser coaching of Friday's Work on It Workshop will get me fired up and focused to finish.  Are you coming? There is still time to join us here.  

Planning creates structure, and when done well, it also allows us to be flexible because we all know that plans have to be adjusted because we never really know what lif...

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