Essence Blog

My Five Things list - June Edition

inspiration Jul 01, 2024


I’ve made this recipe a few times and find it addicting. It's perfect for lunch or a summer dinner. I got recipe inspiration from @healthyeatgram and Sara Tercero.  


Every morning, Phil Cooklin sends me an inspirational, vibe-raising, loving reminder of my power and the wonder of life in what feels like a personal WhatsApp voice message. Phil is a fellow IP Trainer who has worked with me on the...

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My Letter of Longing

I was going to write you a love letter, but it became a letter of longing. 

I long for time to slow down. I’m not ready for it to be the halfway point of 2023. 

I long for connection and conversation that feels meaningful + warm, + uplifting, even if the topics are heavy and emotional. 

I long for a break from the bad news of corruption, hate, dysfunction, and destruction that comes at us from all sides.  I long for a respite from the heartbreak of the comment...

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Unearthing Gems: The Joy of Revisiting What You Write.

Do you have a graveyard of notebooks hidden away somewhere in your home? Do you keep a journal but rarely revisit the entries? If so, you may be missing out on valuable insights and inspiration.

It's easy to forget the value of our notes and journal entries, but they often contain a wealth of ideas, thoughts, and aha moments that can spark creativity and offer guidance. If you attended a course, workshop, or conference and took notes, go back and read them. If you keep a journal, go back and...

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You Arenโ€™t Past Your Prime.

Did you see the Oscars this year? I was in NYC, and after seeing Little Shop of Horrors, my family returned to our hotel room and turned on the TV immediately, hoping to catch the end of the Oscars. 

And that's when we watched Michelle Yeoh's historic win for Best Actress. Of course, seeing someone achieve a dream they worked so hard for always makes me emotional, but this was bigger than that. My eyes filled with tears. 

In 95 years of awards given by the Academy, only two women of...

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