Essence Blog

A Personal Story about 2019

If you'd rather hear my voice tell you this story instead of reading it, click here.

 Many people I know are ready for 2020 to be over. I get it. 

Last year when I sat down to write to you about my annual reflection ritual, it felt really hard. 

I wasn’t sure I could even bring myself to do my own ritual, let alone write something compelling about why you should join me. 

A lot happened in 2019 that felt devastating. I went through some major losses, and a few gut punches personally and prof...

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My Letter of Forgiveness

Throughout my decade of coaching and leading women, I have come to believe in the transformation of giving ourselves grace and forgiveness as a way to really care for our physical and emotional well-being.

Forgiving yourself is difficult especially if it was never modeled. How could you ever be “enough” if you were conditioned to carry around your guilt like a badge of honor designed to keep you “humble”?

As a human be-ing, you will make mistakes and poor choices, act carelessly, hurt yourself...

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The Autumn Equinox Still Point

Today is the Autumn Equinox here in the Northern hemisphere. 

Seems strange to imagine that this is a day of equilibrium between the light of day and the darkness of night. Strange to think of the concept of balance when all the imbalances and inequalities of the world are on full display. 

And yet here we are. September 22nd, 2020. 

“Except for the point, the still point, there would be no dance, and there is only the dance”- T.S. Elliot 

Today marks the still point. The still point between...

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Learnings and Lean-ins from Lockdown

covid-19 insights wisdom Jul 28, 2020

Originally posted May 2020 

It’s been almost exactly two months since things shifted in the world, and so I continue to ask myself, what is shifting within me? Here are a few things I’ve noticed. 
  • 50 Shades of Gray has made a comeback. Turns out it’s my actual hair color.


  • Telling yourself, you’ll shower after you exercise later can result in days when you don’t shower or exercise. 


  • The “home edition” of my meals is better than take-out. Yes, it takes more time but taste and q...
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10 Lessons from Lockdown

I’ve been quiet for the last month here and on social media. While most of the country has been on lockdown, I was working on a huge project. 

 Most of you know that I have the honor of working with Mike Dooley at TUT (Notes from the Universe) to organize and execute two events a year. We had been planning the 15th Infinite Possibilities Train the Trainer 4-day Conference scheduled to begin April 2nd in Costa Rica. It was going to be our first bilingual event. But in the first couple of days of...

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How to Alleviate a Pity Party Hangover

I have a confession. I showed up for a party with my invitation in hand feeling very righteous about being there.

It was a good ol’ fashioned, self-induced pity party!

One night while traveling in Vermont, I found myself alone on a bench in a beautiful town feeling bummed and disillusioned and sorry for myself. And it wasn’t long before I felt the hangover of too much pity partying.

I  felt an ache in my heart, and a heaviness in my being and disconnected from everything.  I  sat there  


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