Essence Blog

Has the world gone mad?

Uncategorized Jul 18, 2024

If you’ve been watching the news 📰 or on social media (I am especially talking to my fellow Americans), you undoubtedly have felt A LOT 😔 this past week.  

You may have wondered if the world has gone mad. I have, and I found comfort in the words of the poet John Roedel. Shout out to Tamera Schmidt, who introduced me to him.  


when the world
goes mad
become wildly kind
to everyone
my love,
~ you can’t control
but you control how
you treat others
in t...
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Ever felt like you’re not enough?

You’ve probably heard people talk about core limiting beliefs. They are the central painful story and negative assumption you’ve told yourself, often stemming from experiences, wounds, and conditioning while growing up.  

These beliefs become ingrained in our subconscious, and our brain looks for evidence to prove them true. Energy goes where our attention flows. You can imagine how this belief holds us back in immeasurable ways.

My core limiting belief was... I’m not enough. Turns out many of...

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It begins with a declaration.

Today is a national holiday here in the States. Last night, I got together with friends and family for good food, laughter, and a fireworks show over Lake Baldwin. It’s a tradition I love. 

And yet, I’m not feeling particularly patriotic this year. I worry and grieve about the upcoming election as more examples of corruption, system breakdown, hypocrisy, division, and the lack of compassion and leadership are revealed. But this isn’t an email about the collective world. Let's chat about how we ...

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My Five Things list - June Edition

inspiration Jul 01, 2024


I’ve made this recipe a few times and find it addicting. It's perfect for lunch or a summer dinner. I got recipe inspiration from @healthyeatgram and Sara Tercero.  


Every morning, Phil Cooklin sends me an inspirational, vibe-raising, loving reminder of my power and the wonder of life in what feels like a personal WhatsApp voice message. Phil is a fellow IP Trainer who has worked with me on the crew for seven virtual conferences....

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Travel Tips from my Paris Trip

appreciation tips travel Jun 13, 2024

As promised, this is part 2 of my Parisian adventure, and I thought I’d share tips on planning and packing from my recent trip to Paris.


✈️ Flights

We booked our flights through Capital One Travel. We paid a little extra to get their flight guarantee. If a flight is significantly delayed or canceled, they will book you on another airline or give you a refund for your base price.  

🇫🇷 Layovers

Since there are no direct flights to Paris, we opted for our connecting destination to be in t...

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Ten takeaways from our trip to Paris.

Bonjour 🇫🇷 👋 

Last Thursday, I asked you what you most wanted to hear about regarding my trip to Paris. 

There are many stories and lessons from our trip, but I’ll distill them down to 10 short takeaways. 

  • A croissant 🥐 tastes so much better in Paris. I’m still dreaming about the eclairs. 
  • Getting too comfortable made my world small. Getting uncomfortable is how we find adventure and new things to fall in love with. 
  • You can express your unpleasant emotions and opinions without carrying that ...
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Write yourself a permission slip.

For many of us, growing up involved asking permission from our parents, caregivers, teachers, and authority figures to do almost everything- including using the restroom! When we wanted to go on a trip, our parents had to sign a permission slip; if we wanted to miss a day of school, our parents had to write a permission slip. Imagine how this good girl/ nice guy programming affected us subconsciously.  

When we spend the formative years of our lives seeking permission from others, we often don’...

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From “Yeah, but” to “You’ve Got This!”

Over a decade ago, when facilitating my groups with women, we talked a lot about the "Yeah, But" part of ourselves, which added a discrediting disclaimer to any personal acknowledgments or shout-outs. 

For example: 
You: I walked 3 miles yesterday
Yeah, But:  I sat on the couch today. 

You: I held a boundary when talking with my sister.
Yeah, But:  Then, I snapped at my partner this week.  

You: I got new signups for my class!
Yeah, But: it’s only 3.  

For every attempt to acknowledge yourself, ...

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Staying on Track When Life Gets Hectic

planning Apr 30, 2024

I am one week away from leading Mike Dooley's Infinite Possibilities Certification Conference and completing the fourth round of the In the World Mastermind. This means time feels compressed, my to-do list feels impossible, I am sitting in front of my computer way too much, and I am holding stress in my body. 

Have you had weeks that felt like that, too?  

So, right now, I have to be very intentional about moving, sleeping, breathing, and eating nourishing, healthy food. Yet ironically, those ...

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Consistency doesn’t mean Perfection.

celebrate journaling Apr 03, 2024

Last week, I didn’t send out my weekly email. Technically, I broke my 25-week/6-month consistency streak. It was a rollercoaster week, and I had to focus on priorities.  

Guess what? It's ok. I can restart.  

Because consistency doesn’t mean perfection.  

Missing a day or two of not posting to social media, exercising, meditation, or anything else you are trying to do consistently doesn’t mean you aren’t or can’t be consistent. It means you have another opportunity to evaluate and decide if t...

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