Today is a national holiday here in the States. Last night, I got together with friends and family for good food, laughter, and a fireworks show over Lake Baldwin. It’s a tradition I love.
And yet, I’m not feeling particularly patriotic this year. I worry and grieve about the upcoming election as more examples of corruption, system breakdown, hypocrisy, division, and the lack of compassion and leadership are revealed. But this isn’t an email about the collective world. Let's chat about how we ...
Last Thursday, I asked you what you most wanted to hear about regarding my trip to Paris.
There are many stories and lessons from our trip, but I’ll distill them down to 10 short takeaways.
For many of us, growing up involved asking permission from our parents, caregivers, teachers, and authority figures to do almost everything- including using the restroom! When we wanted to go on a trip, our parents had to sign a permission slip; if we wanted to miss a day of school, our parents had to write a permission slip. Imagine how this good girl/ nice guy programming affected us subconsciously.
When we spend the formative years of our lives seeking permission from others, we often don’...
Last weekend was Mother’s Day.
On one hand, asking someone if they had a lovely Mother’s Day is a polite pleasantry, but in reality, it can be a loaded question.
If you had a magical unicorn Mother’s Day, feel free to skip to the next section. But you aren't alone if Sunday stirred up some unpleasant thoughts and emotions.
My thoughts aren’t fully polished, complete, or absolute, but here’s what’s been rolling around my head.
Mothering (the act of mothering) is a gift of the sacred ...
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