Essence Blog

Why fun matters right now.

I had an amazing weekend celebrating my friend Linda’s 50th birthday! 🎉 We’ve been friends for almost 20 years despite living miles apart—she’s in Massachusetts, and I’m in Florida. I was reminded once again about the power of something I’d taught about for many years and had felt disconnected from lately. The power of play and our inner magical child.  ✨

Despite what has been going on in my world and in my life lately, hanging out with seven other women and “playing” was incredibly restorative...

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What’s moving off the back burner?

We are headed into Labor Day weekend here in the US. I count this holiday as the unofficial end of summer and back-to-school weekend that will lead us into fall🍂, which is my favorite season.  

If you don't know, September 1st is when I make pumpkin waffles 🎃🧇, start putting cinnamon in everything🍏, and attend my first Halloween event 🎃👻 

Yes, I’m one of those people.  

I ❤️ LOVE this season. With all the unsettled anger, fear, and division in our world, I like to go all in on the things that make...

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Travel Tips from my Paris Trip

appreciation tips travel Jun 13, 2024

As promised, this is part 2 of my Parisian adventure, and I thought I’d share tips on planning and packing from my recent trip to Paris.


✈️ Flights

We booked our flights through Capital One Travel. We paid a little extra to get their flight guarantee. If a flight is significantly delayed or canceled, they will book you on another airline or give you a refund for your base price.  

🇫🇷 Layovers

Since there are no direct flights to Paris, we opted for our connecting destination to be in t...

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Ten takeaways from our trip to Paris.

Bonjour 🇫🇷 👋 

Last Thursday, I asked you what you most wanted to hear about regarding my trip to Paris. 

There are many stories and lessons from our trip, but I’ll distill them down to 10 short takeaways. 

  • A croissant 🥐 tastes so much better in Paris. I’m still dreaming about the eclairs. 
  • Getting too comfortable made my world small. Getting uncomfortable is how we find adventure and new things to fall in love with. 
  • You can express your unpleasant emotions and opinions without carrying that ...
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One of my favorite days of the year

Last Thursday was one of my favorite days of the year, and it made me think💭 deeply about why and how I can cultivate more days like that. 


I took a day out of work for a Friendship Ritual


A friendship ritual is a regular occurring friendship date or tradition to deepen your relationship and increase your life satisfaction and joy. 


Here are the details… My dear friend Lisa and I had our 13th, 12th, or maybe 11th annual friendship ritual.  There is debate over when our friendship r...

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This happened 20 years ago.

It’s 1.11 today. It’s also the first New Moon portal of the year, where we will be receiving messages, ideas, and intuitive nudges of what to follow and what to release. There is a clearing and purging energy this month, but today is a great day to set intentions, make some commitments, and even take a baby step toward what you want for this year. And if you aren’t sure, now’s a good time to listen and reflect deeply. 

⭐ Before I launch into my personal story, I want to give you one last reminde...

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My November Practice (and the importance of reclaiming our joy)

I admit that I’m a little sad Halloween is over. 🎃

 👻 September and October are my spooky season, and it’s filled with so many joy-filled activities, events, decor, and food.  

I’m happy to tell you that I made the most of this season with many joy-filled activities and moments crucial for balancing some of the heaviness, uncertainty, and grief I’ve been feeling. 

 This is my reminder to you that even though there is injustice, death, destruction, pain, and suffering happening around the world ...

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